Thursday, November 17, 2005

Republican Party: Here's a Band-Aid for your fiscal cancer

The good news: public attention and ridicule over the now-infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" has finally motivated the Republican leadership to cut the funding for the two Alaska bridges.

The bad news: that was $454 million out of more than $24 billion in such special projects, and the money isn't saved, just shuffled to Alaska's discretionary fund. And even the $24 billion is less than 1% of the budgeted government expenditures. This budget carves out 20% of the country's GDP and adds to a public debt that is already at 65% of GDP, crowding out businesses and inhibiting investment.

And so the runaway spending continues. "Small government" party indeed.


Brutes In The Halls said...

Hey, you know, I think Government's problems will never be solved. Sure it's depressing if you care about the government, or a political party. But otherwise it's easy not to care, and just get involved in local solutions to local problems, you know? That's where I'm at these days. I guess that's obvious...

So I think I must know you from school but I don't know which person I know from school you are. Can you help me with that?

The Brain said...

Think Collirufus Studios.