Monday, November 14, 2005

Nigerian Scammers

Most of us, particularly MouseCrap afficiandos, are familiar with the Nigerian Scam, where a person contacts the mark by letter or email, claims to be a petty official with the Nigerian government and needs help getting millions in ill-gotten gains out of the country, then milks victims for money for bribes, transfer costs, etc. and finally drains whatever accounts the victim has given him access to.

According to the FBI, however, some victims, upon losing most of their liquid possessions, have actually gone to Nigeria to try to sort things out. And that is where things get dicey, because under Nigerian law, as in most countries, it is illegal to attempt to steal or illegally transfer money, from the government or otherwise. They start asking questions, some prosecutor finds out why they are there, they go have a chat with a judge, and often even get to notify their families that they won't be back very soon. So remember, kids, losing all your posessions in the US is still a lot better than serving five-to-ten in a Nigerian big house.

And there is your random law of the day.


The Wileyman said...

That, my friend, is incredibly funny and incredibly sad. Some people have no common sense. Hence the existence of scammers, no doubt. Hey, that gives me an idea...

Derby said...

earlier this year I wanted to hook a scammer, plan a "trip to Nigeria in my private jet with a briefcase full of cash", making the scammer wait at the airport with a limo, hotel ticket, and a few hundred kilos of jet fuel for me. Never got around to it, alas.