Friday, January 08, 2010

Some things should not be published

Others should be published so you can judge for yourself whether or not they should be published. As an example, I provide the following comic strip annotation (on a strip poking fun at Aragorn for trusting the oath of an oath-breaking ghost army), authored by David Morgan-Mar of Irregular Webcomic fame:

Swearing of oaths used to actually count for something. It used to be that people really respected sworn oaths, and would take you at your word, pretty much without question.

Nowadays we're much too cynical a society to really put anywhere near as much credence on to an oath. I mean, if the director of a huge company swore on his mother's grave to stop polluting the rivers near his chemical factories, would anyone really believe him?

It would be nice if we could revive faith in oaths, so that you really could believe someone if they swore to stop dumping toxic chemicals into the waterways. Lend such things more credence.

It would be a credence clear-water revival.

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