Friday, February 06, 2009

Stimulus plan?

Our new president has been circulating a plan to offer $850 billion dollars as a stimulus for the economy. How much money is that? Well, after a friend offered one version of what could be done with that much money, I decided to check on whether it was accurate. Following please find my rough calculations:

23 karat gold leaf is approximately $35 per square foot.

An interstate highway lane is 12 feet wide, with a ten foot shoulder on the right and four feet on the left, or 38 feet per direction. Averaging in cities where there are more lanes, we'll call it 40 feet per direction, or 80 feet of pavement.

A mile is 5280 feet, so 5280 * 80 = 422,400 square feet per highway mile. At $35 / square foot, this is $14,784,000 to gild a mile of highway in both directions. In order to preserve the number of significant digits we have at the beginning, we need to round this to $15 million.

According to wikipedia, there are 46,837 miles of interstate highways in the United States. At the unrounded rate, this is $692,438,208,000, at an even $15M/mi it comes out to $702.555 billion, but again, because of the significant digits, we need to call it $700 billion. Out of a stimulus package of $850 billion, this leaves $150 billion for labor to gild the entire U.S. Interstate Highway System, shoulder to shoulder on both sides.*

So should we go forward with the stimulus plan? For my two cents worth, a shiny gold highway system would look way cooler from space, making this choice easy. Heck, it would probably create more jobs than the stimulus plan, anyway.

*This equation, of course, leaves out the effect trying to buy up that much gold leaf would have on the market price of said leaf, and accordingly, the increases in price for this project before it can be completed. And probably lots of other stuff that is important to coming up with a realistic scenario. But I'm not putting out a bid on this...

1 comment:

Elisa said...

I agree! This was a fun post :-)