Thursday, February 09, 2006

Moot Court

I have just returned from a moot court judged by Chief Justice John Roberts, Judge Guido Calabresi of the 2nd Circuit, and Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the 2nd Circuit. As a matter of first impression, the new Chief is everything his pedigree seemed. Judge Calabresi was very fun, erudite (at one point, he quoted T. S. Elliot's Hollow Man, and at another, he let roll a death threat in Italian), and was certainly willing to push the participants to their limit and then throw them a rope when they went over the brink (at one point, he told the flustered speaker, "Do you mean to argue..." and laid out exactly how the argument could work; when the poor kid said, "Exactly, your honor," Roberts was ready with challenges to Calabresi's formulation. No respite for the weary.)

The case itself was about whether subliminal messages in music are protected speech. In one humorous exchange, Judge Calabresi stated (by way of example) the "everyone knows that strawberries can give you hives." Before counsel could reply, Justice Roberts commented, "Huh. I just learned something new."

And now this interlude ceases in favor of class preparation...

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